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1 Feb 2022

Project Manager at Federation Handicap International

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Job Description


Federation Handicap International which runs its programs under its operational name “Humanity & Inclusion” (HI) is looking for an Inclusive Education (IE) Project Manager


Inclusive Education

Job title

Project Manager

Technical field

Inclusive Education


To daily manage the implementation of the IE project, by ensuring optimal quality and impact with appropriate control mechanisms. Along with other HI managers, he/she will also contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion in Rwanda and share responsibility for the sound management and effective functioning of the global organisation

Line Manager

HI Rwanda Country Manager

Duration of contract

From February 2022 to 31st July 2023 subject to obtaining funding

Closing date for application 

February 13, 2022, at 5 p.m.


The Inclusive Education Project Manager will be responsible of managing the implementation of the project on a daily basis, by ensuring optimal quality and impact with appropriate control mechanisms in close partnership with the Rwanda Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and Rwanda Basics Education Board (REB) and collaboration with other education and social stakeholders operating in Rwanda.

The IE Project Manager will play the managerial role for the IE project focusing on the fulfilment of HI’s commitments in the sector of inclusive education. He will regularly and closely interact with different donors, MINEDUC, REB, and civil society focal point persons and other HI project managers as well as the HI MEAL Manager.

In terms of assignment, under the line management of the HI Country Manager, the IE Project Manager will be responsible for performing all activities related to the implementation of the IE project, by ensuring optimal quality and impact with appropriate control mechanisms. Along with other HI managers, he/she will also contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion in Rwanda and share responsibility for the sound management and effective functioning of the global organisation. Under his/her responsibility, he/she will manage dedicated HI project staff.


HI started working in Rwanda since 1994. In partnership with the Civil Society Organizations and public institutions, HI sought to promote and support policies and initiatives of the public levels and the civil society aiming at preventing causes of vulnerability and disability and striving for the protection and inclusion of vulnerable persons for the period from 2021 to 2023. In Rwanda, HI focuses on the following 3 strategic pillars:

– Pillar 1: Social and Economic Inclusion: promoting social, cultural, and economic citizen’s participation for the vulnerable persons; ensuring access to education for all; providing an institutionalized expertise and support and enhancing representation and competencies of vulnerable persons through their associations;

– Pillar 2: Rehabilitation, Prevention, and health preventing and fighting against chronic and disabling diseases, detection and early prevention and promotion of mental health through a community-based approach;

– Pillar 3: Protection: HI seeks to prevent the occurrence of gender, age, and disability-based violence in an effort to initiate actions that empower vulnerable persons and mobilize local, national, and international stakeholders for an owned engagement in the promotion and respect of rights of vulnerable persons facing gender, age, and disability-based violence. It is committed to searching and providing reliable data on the identification of vulnerable populations and mitigation of the underlying risk factors.


Federation Handicap International is implementing the IE project to promote to Inclusive Education in Rwanda. Specifically, the project aims at promoting inclusive quality education for vulnerable children, including children with disabilities.  It also aims to (1) address barriers and gaps in the access of children with disabilities in inclusive schools and early childhood development (ECD) services and other sector relevant services such as rehabilitation, social and protection, (2) improve the participation of community members to change the attitudes towards children with disabilities and their inclusion in the society.

In order to ensure quality implementation, HI would like to recruit IE Project Manager to daily and effectively manage the IE project in harmony with the required HI quality standards.


The project team

The IE Project Manager will be based at Kigali office.

Organization of the field work

The implementation of the IE project will rely on effective collaboration with the project team, selected schools, and specialized services as well local community and authorities. The IE Project Manager will also work with national levels including NCDA, REB, NCPD, and social cluster ministries including MIGEPROF, MINALOC, MINEDUC and Ministry of Health (MoH) to ensure more consideration of inclusive education and children with disabilities in decision making, programming and policy development.

Technical support

The IE Project Manager will be technically supported by the HI Regional inclusive education specialist.


The IE Project Manager is expected to meet the following tasks:

  • Coordinate the planned activities for selected schools, ECD services and community and other targeted services
  • Provide technical support in implementing the IE initiatives and activities in close collaboration with local authorities and service providers by ensuring the delivery of quality inclusive service.
  • Build synergies and complementarities with other stakeholders at HI, national and local levels.


The IE Project Manager will regularly interact with the following stakeholders:

Internal stakeholders (HI Rwanda)

  • HI IE project team, HI  MEAL Manager; HI Country Manager, HI Regional IE specialist,
  • Other HI project managers
  • HI Finance manager
  • HI logistics manager
  • HI Human Resources Manager

External stakeholders:

National level

  • Social Cluster Ministerial Focal Points (MIGEPROF, MINEDUC, MoH & MINALOC).
  • NCPD, REB, and NCDA national technical staff in charge of disability inclusion and inclusive education;

District level

  • The coordinators of the National Council for People with Disabilities at District Level
  • The district education, health, and social affairs officials
  • The JADF Permanent Secretaries

Service level

  • Selected schools and ECD services
  • Health facilities (health centers, hospitals)
  • Rehabilitation services / centers


Under the lead and supervision of the HI Country Manager, he/she will perform the following responsibilities and tasks:

Responsibility 1: Management

1.1 He/she  will line-manages the IE project’s team members (Sets individual objectives, evaluates individual performance, contributes towards the professional & career development of his/her team members, monitors competencies)

1.2 He/she will organise and lead regular IE team meetings

1.3 He/she will Manage the recruitment and selection of new team members/ open positions when it applies

1.4 He/she will ensures strict application and respect of the HI Rwanda Programme Internal Regulations by the IE Project team.

Responsibility 2: Expertise

2.1  He/she will provide the technical expertise for his/her project in inclusive education.

a. He/she will ensures that the IE activities related to inclusive education  implemented comply with international technical norms and standards;
b. He/she will adapt the IE project documentation to international technical norms and standards, when necessary;
c. He/she will run technical training for his/her staff when relevant;
d. He/she will be in charge of the technical quality and relevance of IE project activities implemented within his scope of expertise;
e. He/she will ensure technical learning from the IE project and other HI projects by drawing on lessons learned and good practices;
f. He/she will make sure global and field technical specialists get the information they require and effectively collaborate with Technical Divisions;
g. He/she will adjusts his/her activities to audit recommendations, if applicable.

2.2 He/she will help to coordinate technical professional development and facilitate a community of practice, in collaboration with Technical Division

2.3 He/she will manage relationships with technical authorities from the social cluster ministries, REB, NCDA, NCPD, local partners or other stakeholders

Responsibility 3: IE Project Implementation and Monitoring

3.1 He/she will ensure the IE project implementation is in line with general standards and procedures and run in collaboration with quality/ relevant services

a.Ensure the planning of activities and establish timely action plans
b.Ensure that the IE activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and the allocated budget
c. Manage expenditures and ensure a follow up of budget lines for the IE project activities
d. Ensure that activities are implemented according to internal quality and technical standards and, if necessary, propose adjustment or improvements to help meet IE objectives
e.Prepare and monitor partnership agreements with IE potential partners
f. Ensure the effective implementation and follow up of institutional policies (HI Policy against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, mandatory cross-cutting approaches, etc.) on IE project
g.Coordinate and collaborate with relevant internal services, especially logistics, Human resources, finance, and technical resources

3.2 He/she will ensure IE project data management

a.Ensure that the appropriate data collection and management tools are in place on the IE project, in line with global standards
b. Ensure that data related to the IE project is collected and compiled in the project database
c. Carry out regular control for quality assurance and make any necessary corrections in the IE project database

3.3 He/she will ensure IE project reporting

a. Monitor the achievement of results and indicators, as per the logical framework
b. Be in charge of producing the appropriate reporting tools: monthly situation report, PM Box
c. Reports regularly to the HI Country Manager
d. Write quality reports for the funding agency and monitor donor deadlines (grants, reporting, audits) concerning the IE project

3.4 He/she will prepare and steer IE project evaluation and lesson sharing

a. Plan and monitor IE project evaluations
b. Produce project lesson learning and sharing from experience material

 Responsibility 4: Influence and communication

He/ she will play an active role and

a. Contribute to HI’s external influence by participating in relevant networks (social cluster meetings, high-level IE technical meetings, JADF meetings, etc.)
b. Communicate on the IE project to partners, authorities, and stakeholders when relevant
c.Guarantee the proper archiving of information and dissemination via HI platforms (Hinside, EAR Regional Website, and other HI online social media)

Responsibility 5: Strategy and Business Development

He/she will

a. Actively and strategically contribute to the revision of the HI Regional and HI Rwanda Operational Strategy (StratOp)
b.Draft new proposals for the continuity and replicability of IE achieved results and other new similar proposals depending on possible funding opportunities.



Required qualification

Relevant qualification

Degree (s) :


University degree (at least bachelor’s degree) in special Needs & Inclusive Education

Bachelor’s degree in, Special Needs & Inclusive Education




At least 3 years of experience in managing projects, with additional work in disability inclusion movement and referrals

Good experience working with education stakeholders, health and rehabilitation service providers, Persons with Disabilities, co-acting with Government Institutions and interacting with international/ national CSOs Wider Networks



  • Strong writing and oral skills in English (structured level)
  • Strong capacity in bringing a quick change and transformation;
  • Strong managerial skills (both human and financial resources)
  • Openness and critical thinking
  • Knowledge in disability inclusion  and inclusive education issues
  • Community-Based Rehabilitation approaches and practices, disability inclusion
  • Capacity to deliver interactive training for adult professionals
  • Good skills in developing and delivering advocacy messages

Personal qualities


  • Capacity to build relations with others and work under pressure (strong interpersonal skills)
  • Maturity
  • Capacity of analysis
  • Capacity of listening
  • Quality of adaptation
  • Resilience and Flexibility
  • Capacity to work under pressure
  • Innovative

  • Carefulness
  • Free and strong communicator
  • A strategic business partner
  • Stakeholder-focused
  • A skilled motivator
  • Fully vested in success
  • Accountable and have integrity
  • Interpersonal leader


Method of Application

Please send a resume and covering motivation letter with the 3-reference number addressed to the HI Country Manager, with a CV and Degree copies on the address below, that before February 13, 2022, at 5 p.m VIA this e-mail: [email protected] with subject: PMEI202201

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